The weather forecast for Tuvalu issued by Funafuti Meteorological Service 13th March 2025 at 06.00 am this morning.
Situation: A weak trough of low pressure lies slowly moving over Tuvalu. Fair weather covers the group.
Forecast for this morning until 6 pm:
Cloudy to partly cloudy with some showers at times.
Maximum air temperature: 32 °C. Minimum air temperature: 27 °C.
Easterly winds 05 to 10 knots.
Seas slight.
Inundation Information: Inundated of low lying and coastal areas, swamps and barrow pits overflow affected by spring tide of this month will continue until Monday next week, 17 March, 2025. Spring tide of this month will peak this afternoon, 13th March, 2025.
Te tau ote aso mo Tuvalu ne fakatoka mai te Ofisa o ‘Tau o aso I Funafuti Poo 13 o Maati 2025 ite 06.00 ite taeao nei.
Faka’tauga: Te fakaosoga ea malalo kae se malosi e gasue malie nei iluga o Tuvalu. Aso feoloolo ka aofia ei ‘tou Atufenua.
Tau ote aso ite taeao nei ke oko kite 6.00 ite afiafi:
Kaumanaa kite nai kaumana fakatasi mo nai vaiua ine taimi.
Te vela maluga: 32 °C. Te vela malalo: 27 °C.
Te matagi ka agi saegalaa 05 kite 10 nooti.
Te moana ka ‘lei.