The weather forecast for Tuvalu issued by Funafuti Meteorological Service 10th March 2025 at 06.00 am this morning.
Situation: A trough of low pressure lies slow moving over Tuvalu. Fair weather covers the group.
Forecast for this morning until 6 pm:
Partly cloudy to cloudy with brief showers at times.
Maximum Air temperature: 32.0 degree Celsius. Average Air Temperature: 29.0 degree Celsius.
North-easterly winds 10 to 15 knots. Seas moderate
Te tau ote aso mo Tuvalu ne fakatoka mai te Ofisa o ‘Tau o aso I Funafuti Poo 10 o Maati 2025 ite 06.00 ite taeao nei.
Faka’tauga: Te fakaosoga ea malalo e fakalava kae gasue malie nei I luga o Tuvalu. Aso feoloolo ka aofia ei ‘tou Atufenua.
Tau ote aso ite taeao nei ke oko kite 6.00 ite afiafi:
Nai kaumana kite kaumanaa fakatasi mo afuuga vaiua ine taimi.
Te vela maluga ote aso: 32.0 degree Celsius. Te vela masani ote aso: 29.0 degree Celsius.
Te matagi ka agi mai matuu-saegalaa 10 kite 15 nooti. Te moana ka ‘feoloolo.