The weather forecast for Tuvalu issued by Funafuti Meteorological Service 05th March 2025 at 06.00 am this morning.    


Situation: A ridge of high pressure lies slow moving over Tuvalu. Fine weather covers the group.

Forecast for this morning until 6 pm:

Mostly Sunny.
Maximum Air temperature: 33.0 degree Celsius. Average Air Temperature: 29.5 degree Celsius.
For Southern group: North to north- westerly winds 05 to 15 knots. Elsewhere: North- easterly winds 05 to 15 knots.
Seas slight to moderate.

Tidal Prediction for Funafuti:  

High tide                  -        8:36 am at 2.81 m.
Low tide                  -          3:03 pm at 1.61 m.
Next High tide          -       9:07 pm at 2.52 m.
Next Low tide         -         3:09 am at 1.71 m.



Moonrise and moonset predictions:
Moonrise at 9:39 am this morning
Moonset at 9:41 pm tonight

Sunrise and sunset predictions:

Sunrise at 6:08 am this morning
Sunset at 6:21 pm this evening




Te tau ote aso mo Tuvalu ne fakatoka mai te Ofisa o ‘Tau o aso I Funafuti Poo 05 o Maati 2025 ite 06.00 ite taeao nei.  

Faka’tauga: Te fakaosoga ea maluga e fakalava kae gasue malie nei I luga o Tuvalu. Aso ‘lei ka aofia ei ‘tou Atufenua.

Tau ote aso ite taeao nei ke oko kite 6.00 ite afiafi: 

Ka lasi kite kasa te laa.
Te vela maluga ote aso: 33.0 degree Celsius. Te vela masani ote aso: 29.5 degree Celsius.
Mo fenua ki Saute: Te matagi ka agi mai matuu ki matuu- togalaa 05 kite 15 nooti. Toega o fenua, te matagi ka agi mai matuu- saegalaa 05 kite 15 nooti.
Te moana ka ‘lei kite feoloolo.


Gasuesuega ote tai fonu mote tai masa o Funafuti:

Tai e Fonu             -               8:36 kise maluga e 2.81 mita.
Tai ka Masa           -               3:03 kise malalo e 1.61 mita.
Tai ka toe Fonu    -               9:07 kise maluga e 2.52 mita.
Tai ka toe Masa    -               3:09 kise malalo e 1.71 mita.



Saega mote tooga te Masina:

Ka sae te masina ite 9:39 ite taeao nei.
Ka too te masina ite 9:41 ma poo nei

Saega mote tooga te laa:

Ne sae laa ite 6:08 ite taeao nei
Ka too te laa ite 6:21 ite afiafi nei



Type of Forecast