The weather forecast for Tuvalu was issued by Funafuti Meteorological Service on 20th July 2024 at 6:00 pm this evening.

Situation: A weak cloud band lies slow moving over Tuvalu. Meanwhile a moderate to fresh easterly winds flow prevails over Tuvalu. Fair weather covers the group.


Forecast for this evening until 6:00 am:
Cloudy periods with chance of passing showers of rain at times.
East to south-easterly winds 10 to 15 knots with higher winds at times.
Seas moderate to rough with easterly wind waves 2 to 3 meter.

             Outlook for the next 3 days:

Cloudy periods with chance of passing showers of rain at times.
                                                           Easterly winds 10 to 15 knots with higher winds at times.
                                                           Seas moderate to rough with easterly wind waves 2 to 3 meter.

            Monday                             Partly Cloudy with passing showers of rain at times.
                                                           For southern and Central group: South-easterly winds 15 to 20 knots.
                                                           Seas rough to very rough with Easterly wind waves 2 to 3 meter.
                                                           Elsewhere, easterly winds 10 to 15 knots with higher winds at times.
                                                            Seas moderate to rough with easterly wind waves 2 to 3 meter.
              Tuesday                          Partly cloudy with passing showers of rain at times.
                                                           For Northern group: Easterly winds 10 to 15 knots with higher winds at times.
                                                           Seas moderate to rough with easterly wind waves 2 to 3 meter. Elsewhere, South-easterly                                                                                               winds 15 to 20 knots.
                                                           Seas rough to very rough with Easterly wind waves 2 to 3 meter.
  Inundation Information: Inundated of low lying and coastal areas, swamps and barrow pits overflow affected by spring tide of this month will start tomorrow morning and will continue until Thursday the 25th of this month. Spring tide will peak on Tuesday morning, the 23th of July 2024.                                                         
Tidal Prediction:
Low tide                  -            10:21 pm tonight at 1.34 m.

High tide                 -             4:39 am before dawn at 2.92 m.
Next Low tide       -            11:07 am tomorrow at 1.13 m.
Next High tide        -            5:12pm tomorrow afternoon at 2.66 m


.Sunrise and Sunset prediction for tomorrow:  
Sunrise at 6:19 am tomorrow.  
Sunset at 5:59 pm tomorrow.


Te tau ote aso mo Tuvalu ne fakatoka mai ite Ofisa o ‘Tau o aso I Funafuti Po 20 o Iulai, 2024 te 6:00 ite afiafi nei.

Faka’tauga: Te fakaputuga kaumana kae se malosi e fakalava nei iluga o Tuvalu. Kae mote vaitaimi nei te alaalaga matagi agi feoloolo kite agi malosi I vaa o taimi mai saegala e fakalava nei iluga o Tuvalu. Aso feoloolo ka aofia tou Atufenua.

Tau ote aso ite afiafi nei ke oko kite 6.00 ite taeao:
 Ka kaumana te lagi fakatasi mo afuafuga vaiua ine taimi.
 Te matagi ka agi mai saegala 10 kite 15 nooti kae ka tai malosi tena agi ine taimi.
  Te moana ka feoloolo kite sou fakatasi mo peau matagi mai saegala 2 kite 3 mita.


Kilokiloga mo aso e 3 mai mua nei:

Aso Saa                   Ka kaumana te lagi fakatasi mote fakamoemoega meka mafai o isi ne afuuga vaiua ine taimi.
                                    Te matagi ka agi mai saegala 10 kite 15 nooti kae ka tai malosi atu tena agi ine taimi.
                                    Te moana ka feoloolo kite sou fakatasi mo peau matagi mai saegala 2 kite 3 mita.

Aso Gafua            Nai kaumana fakatasi mo afuafuga vaiua ine taimi.
                                  Mo fenua ki Saute mote kogaloto: Te matagi ka agi mai saute-saegala 15 kite 20 nooti .
                                 Te moana ka sou kite sou ki fakatasi mo peau matagi mai saegala 2 kite 3 mita.
                                 Toega o fenua, Te matagi ka agi mai saegala 10 kite 15 nooti kae ka mafai tai malosi atu tena agi ine                                                                             taimi. Te moana ka feoloolo kite sou fakatasi mo peau matagi mai saegala 2 kite 3 mita


Aso Lua              Nai kaumana fakatasi mo afuafuga vaiua ine taimi.
                               Mo fenua ki Matuu: Te matagi ka agi mai saegala 10 kite 15 nooti kae ka tai malosi atu tena agi ine                                                                               taimi.
                                Te moana ka feoloolo kite sou fakatasi mo peau matagi mai saegala 2 kite 3 mita.
                               Toega o fenua, Te matagi ka agi mai saute-saegala 15 kite 20 nooti. Te moana ka sou kite sou ki fakatasi mo                                                             peau matagi mai saegala 2 kite 3 mita.
Fakailoaga mo tatou katoa: ka lasi te lofiaga mo Koo’gakoga malalo ote fenua pela foki mo taisala salalau mo koo’gakoga tafatafa ki feitu ki tai mo namo mai tai lasi ote masina nei ka kamata ite faka vaveao ote aso taeao, kae ka fakasoko atu kite   Aso Faa po 25 ote masina nei. Tai ka lasi malosi atu ite taeao ote Aso Lua , po 23 o Iulai, 2024.                              


Gasuesuega ote tai.
Tai ne Masa                       -            10:21 ma po nei kise malalo e 1.34 mita.
Tai ka Fonu                         -            4:39 ite faka vaveao ma taeao kise maluga e 2.92 mita.
Tai ka toe Masa                 -            11:07 ma taeao kise malalo e 1.13 mita.
Tai ka toe Fonu                  -             5:12  ite faka afiafi ma taeao kise maluga e 2.66 mita.

Saega mo ‘toga ote laa ote aso taeao:
Ka sae te laa ite 6:19 ite taeao ma taeao.
Kae ka too te laa ite 5:59 ite afiafi ma taeao.


Type of Forecast