The weather forecast for Tuvalu was issued by Funafuti Meteorological Service on 06th June 2024 at 6:00 am this morning.    

Situation: A trough of low pressure lies slowly moving over Tuvalu. Fairweather covers the groups.

Forecast for this morning until 6:00 pm.
For the Central and the Northern groups, cloudy periods are overcast with scattered showers of rain and a chance of thunderstorms at times.
Northwest to westerly winds 05 to 10 knots with light variable wind at times.
Seas slight.
For the Southern group, it is sometimes cloudy with passing showers of rain.

South-easterly winds 05 to 15 knots.
Seas slight to moderate.

Tidal Prediction:  
Low tide                 -          10:59 am this morning at 1.18 m.

High tide                -           5:01 pm this evening at 2.68 m.
Next Low tide       -          10:55 pm tonight at 1.34 m.
Next High tide      -       
  5:13 am early tomorrow morning at 2.96 m.

Sunrise and Sunset prediction for today:

The Sunrise at 6:13 am.  

Sunset at 5:50 pm.

Inundation Information: Inundated of low-lying and coastal areas, swamps and barrow pits overflow affected by the spring tide of this month has started and will continue until Saturday early morning this week the 08th of June 2024.


Te tau ote aso mo Tuvalu ne fakatoka mai te Ofisa o ‘Tau o aso I Funafuti Poo 06 o Iuni 2024 ite 6:00 ite taeao nei.  


Faka’tauga: Te fakaosoga ea malalo e fakalava kae gasue malie nei i luga o Tuvalu. Aso feoloolo ka aofia iei tou Atufenua.

Tau ote aso ite taeao nei ke oko kite 6:00 ite afiafi: 

Fenua kite galoto mo fenua ki matuu: Ka kaumanaa kite kapu te lagi fakatasi mo sologa vaiua mote fakamoemoega me ka mafai o isi ne uila mo fatili ine taimi.
Te matagi ka agi mai matuu-togalaa ki togalaa 05 kite 10 nooti kae ka se tumau te koga e agi mai iei ine taimi.
Te moana ka lei.
Mo fenua ki saute: ka kaumanaa kae ka mafai o isi ne afuafuga vaiua ine taimi.  
Te matagi ka agi mai saute-saegala 05 kite 15 nooti.
Te moana ka lei kite feoloolo.

Gasuesuega ote tai:

Tai e Masa                        -            10:59 ite taeao nei kise malalo e 1.18 mita.
Tai ka Fonu                       -            5
:01 ite afiafi nei kise maluga e 2.68 mita.
Tai ka toe Masa                -           
10:55 ma po nei kise malalo e 1.34 mita.
Tai ka toe Fonu                 -            5
:13 ite vaveao ote aso taeao kise maluga e 2.96 mita.

Saega mo ‘toga ote laa ite aso nei:         

Ne sae te laa ite 6:13 ite taeao nei.
Kae ka to te la ite 5:50 ite afiafi nei.

Fakailoaga mo tatou katoa: Ka lasi te lofiaga mo Koo’gakoga malalo ote fenua pela foki mo taisala salalau mo koo’gakoga tafatafa ki feitu ki tai mo namo mai tai lasi ote masina nei ko oti ne kamata, kae ka fakasoko atu kite Aso Ono ite vaiaso nei po 08 o Iuni 2024.

Type of Forecast