The weather forecast for Tuvalu was issued by Funafuti Meteorological Service on 28th May 2024 at 6:00 am this morning.    

Situation: A weak cloud band is approaching the group from the east. Fairweather covers the groups.

Forecast for this morning until 6:00 pm.
For the Southern group: cloudy with light showers of rain expected later this afternoon.

Elsewhere, cloudy to partly cloudy with a chance of passing showers of rain at times.
East to north-easterly winds 05 to 10 knots.
Seas slight.

Tidal Prediction:  
High tide                   -         7:59 am this morning at 2.71 m.

Low tide                  -          2:37 pm this afternoon at 1.46 m.
Next High tide        -         8:49 pm tonight at 2.42 m.
Next Low tide         -         2:41 am after midnight tonight at 1.66 m.

Sunrise and Sunset prediction for today:

The Sunrise at 6:11 am.  
Sunset at 5:49 pm.

Te tau ote aso mo Tuvalu ne fakatoka mai te Ofisa o ‘Tau o aso I Funafuti Poo 28 o Mee 2024 ite 6:00 ite taeao nei.  

Faka’tauga: Te fusīga kaumana kae se malosi e gasue mai ki luga i tou Atufenua mai te feitu ki saegalaa. Aso feoloolo ka aofia iei tou atufenua.

Tau ote aso ite taeao nei ke oko kite 6:00 ite afiafi: 
Mo fenua ki Saute: Ka kaumanaa te lagi fakatasi mo nai afuuga vaiua matemategina i tua ote tutonu nei.
Toega o fenua, kaumanaa kite nai kaumana mote fakamoemoega me ka mafai o isi ne nai afuafuga vaiua ine taimi.
Te matagi ka agi mai saegalaa ki matuu-saegalaa 05 kite 10 nooti.
Te moana ka lei.

Gasuesuega ote tai:

Tai ka Fonu                         -              7:59 ite taeao nei kise maluga e 2.71 mita.
Tai ka Masa                        -              2:37 i tua ote tutonu nei kise malalo e 1.46 mita.
Tai ka toe Fonu                 -              8:49 ma poo nei kise maluga e 2.42 mita.
Tai ka toe Masa                 -             2:41 i tua ote vaelua poo nei kise malalo e 1.66 mita.

Saega mo ‘toga ote laa ite aso nei:         

Ne sae te laa ite 6:11 ite taeao nei.
Kae ka to te la ite 5:49 ite afiafi nei.

Type of Forecast